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Monday, December 1, 2014

Springfield Mo: Kevin & Liz Move From Alice to KGBX

Liz Delaney
For 15 years, morning radio listeners have been waking up with Kevin Howard and Liz Delany on KTOZ 95.5 FM/AliceFM. (As of Black Friday the duo moved to their iHM clustermate KGBX 105.9 FM.)

Liz grew up in Kansas City, radio jobs at Lake of the Ozarks then in Columbia led her to Springfield. She says Springfield listeners get an ear-full from the ‘Kevin and Liz Show’.

"We are completely open. We've shared weddings, deaths, divorce, cancer, adoption. Our lives are open to everyone" Delany told KOLR-TV10.

But there was one part of Liz' life she hadn't shared with listeners, or really anyone, until August, after the suicide of Robin Williams.

"I felt like I had been hiding it for so long, and literally some of my family members don't know," says Delany.

Now airing on KGBX 105.9 FM
Like so many others who suffer from depression Liz remembers days when she couldn't get out of bed. She always wondered if others felt the same way she did.

"Nobody talks about mental illness or clinical depression, nobody. There's such a stigma. You don't know how people are going to react to you. You don't know if they're going to think you are crazy, or be scared of you, know I'm not alone," says Delany.

Liz started receiving treatment in her early 30's.

"Fortunately through medication I have been able to regulate and live with the disease. And that's exactly what it is, a disease. If I had cancer I wouldn't have any problem telling people, but for some reason you hide behind the depression, you don't want that label," says Delany.

After her admission on Facebook Liz says she was blown away by the show of support she received from family and friends and listeners.

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